Wednesday, January 28, 2009

CT of the Head

CT Protocols
View the video clips below for Thursday's (Feb. 5th) class. The first video shows an actual patient being positioned and scanned. Also observe the display of the image in varying contrast levels (windows).

Basics of CT-- (Presenation with Audio)

CT Physics

View the two video clips below for Wednesday's CT Physics class (February 4, 2009). The provide an overview of the evolution of the CT machine since 1972.
Part 1 covers the history of CT, and the different generations of CT machines.

Part 2 covers the 4th and 5th generation CT machines

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Changes to Class Schedule for CT Physics (Wednseday) and CT Protocols (Thursday)

Due to the weather forecast for Wednseday, January 28th and Thursday, January 29th the following changes have been made to the class schedule:

1. There will be no In-Class Session on Wednseday, January 28th and Thursday, January 29th.

2. In Class sessions will be held Feb 4th and 5th (next week), and February 11th and 12th (the following week)

In CT Physics you are to:
1. Read the sections of Chapter 1 that are outlined in the chapter objectives;

2. Answer the questions in the CT Physics Practice quiz.

The deadline for both assignmnets is Saturday, January 31st.


In CT Protocols you are to:
1. Read the handout that was distributed in class.

2. Answer the questions in the CT Protocols Practice quiz.

CT Physics First Assignment

You are responsible for reading portions of Chapter 1 (Computed Tomography)

Chapter 1 Objectives:
When you have read chapter 1, you are expected to be able to accomplish the following tasks: (These are not questions for you to answer)

1. Understand the meaning of the following terms as they relate to CT: (pgs. 2-3)
a. tomography
b. transverse axial tomography
c. image reconstruction from projections
d. emission CT
e. transmission CT

2. List three steps that constitute the CT process and briefly describe each step.
(pages 3-6; PROCESS)

3. Identify the major components of a CT scanner. (page 6, fig. 1-6)

4. Describe briefly how a CT scanner works. (page 6--HOW CT SCANNERS WORK)

5. Describe the early CT experiments performed by G.N. Hounsfield. (pages 7-8)

6. State the contribution of A.M. Cormack to the development of CT (page 8)

7. Identify developments in CT from the period 1973 to 1983 (pages 8-9).

8. State other uses of CT apart from those in clinical medicine. (pages 13-14).

9. Define Digital Image Processing. (pages 14-15).

10. Identify the essential components of a digital imaging system.
(pages 14-15; fig. 1-22 pg--16).

11. Describe various applications of volume scanning (pages 15-18)